Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

Ho Ho Ho Ba Humbug. I bloody hate Christmas. I think it's because the world wants to stop for a day, but thats impossible. I am one of those people for whom it's impossible to stop for. I worked Christmas Day, Boxing Day and the Sunday. 3 lovely nightshifts. Its Christmas though, the Season of good will. I wish. Its the season of drink as much as you possibley can and bash whoever as hard as you possibley can. Needless to say, I've been busy!

On a more positive note H had his first Christmas, and was so lucky will all his toys. Everyone has been very generous and he hasn't even received everything yet! We did not have a traditional dinner. We went out for a curry. It was really busy at the restaurant and it was really good value.

For New Year I am going to make some resolutions. I make the same resolution every year, to loose 3 stone! I have accepted that this is never going to happen. I lost 2 stone last year, which is something I have not done before. Granted it was baby weight and needed to come off, though now I know I can do that I am going to try and get my BMI down to under 25, making me not over weight. I have never not been over weight my whole adult life, so I am going to see if I can achieve this. I need to loose 1.5 stones to do that. I got a lovely set of weighing scales for Christmas so I will be able to put them to good use!

Here's to a lighter me for 2010. The other things I want to achieve in 2010 is to move house. I can't live in this house anymore. I need my own home. I hate renting!!
